Wednesday 21 August 2013

Garlic & Coriander Tofu

This is, from all the recipes I've tried with Tofu, my favorite!
There's a couple of different things to do BUT at the end it is delicious!
here's how;

You will need;
7 pieces of garlic ( you can put less if you want )
a bunch of fresh coriander ( again you can choose how much you put, it's for your taste )
some pepper
1 1\2 bell pepper ( the color doesn't matter )
1\2 pack of white standard mushroom
5 green onions
a chunk of ginger ( still to your taste )
one package of Tofu ** ( see the specifications tab )
2 1\2 tablespoon of soy sauce
2 1\2 tablespoon of Mirin ** ( see the specification tab )
some sunflower oil
and some water

All right!
First you need to cook your tofu so cut it into little square
I found that the more small the square the faster they cook!
take a pan or a cauldron or whatever you have just make sure it's big enough
Put some sunflower oil in it I would say, well the tofu has to fry in it, so maybe .5 cm of oil maybe less
put your heat at 8 ( 10 is my max ) wait for the oil to become hot a little
then put the tofu in it, see that it's start to cook by doing the sound food makes when you fry it
don't cover it put down the heat at 6
and it will take around 20 minutes, but be sure to stay beside it!
you will have to stir every 2-3 minutes so the tofu can get light brown on each side

When this is done put the tofu on a plate with a napkin on it
so it can absorb the extra oil there is left ( you have to leave around 1 to 2 tablespoon of oil in your pan for the rest of the recipe )

Then close the heat for now and leave the tofu and the pan aside

( this part you can do beforehand if you'd like )
Squash your coriander and your garlic together in a little bowl mixing well and add some pepper
leave it
cut your bell pepper, your mushrooms, your green onion and grate your ginger ( if not cut it in very little pieces )

Then we are ready to put everything together!
make sure the oil you have left from the Tofu is hot
put the coriander and garlic mix in the pan and the heat at around 2
it will start to smell good!
you should leave it 3-4 minutes ( the garlic has to stay in the light brown if it's really brown you went to far with the time )
then put the bell pepper in crank your heat at 8
cook for 5 minutes ( or until the bell pepper are cook)
and you have to stir every 2-3 minutes
And because the heat is high and you don't want to burn everything what I do is
I take a glass of water and put a little bit at a time in the pan
like that it makes steam ( you will see smoke coming out that's good! ) so nothing will burn or stick to the bottom of the pan
After the 5 minutes put in the mushrooms
repeat the same process leaving your heat at 8
Then put the rest in
the tofu, the ginger the green onion the soy sauce and the mirin
mix well for around 5 minutes again
then close the heat but leave the pan on the oven and while you do your rice or your couscous
it will continue to cook for a little while

And that's it!
I hope it wasn't too complicated
but it's wort it!!

Thanks for watching!
** This recipe will also be in the vegetarian tab

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