

 For this recipe their is different things to do, but they're all really simple!!

First you need to have cooked sushis rice ** ( see the **specifications** section for more info )
You have to have seaweed sheets **

And technically you can put what you want in your sushis!
but let me explain how I did it this time;

I took ( for the vegetable ):
1 carrot
1|2 bell pepper ( the color doesn't matter )
some spinach
5 green onions

For the egg you can just cook them and let them plain but for me

I took ( for the eggs ):
2 eggs
1 leek
some tender peas
some mayonnaise

Let's start!
First I start with the eggs since I have to cook them.
I put them on boil for 8 minutes, then pass them under cold water so they can cool down a bit
Cut the leek in small pieces and put them also in boiling water but for 3 minutes, then pass them under cold water so they can cool down a bit
leave them for the moment

I cut all my vegetable in line shape ( it will be easier to roll that way )
The spinach don't need to be cut
once this is done the vegetable are ready!

Now I go back to the eggs,
I crush them together with the leek, some tender peas a little mayonnaise and some pepper
I mix until it looks well blended
and the eggs are done!

So now you are ready to roll!
this is what my set up looks like:

Starting from the left;
I have all my vegetable cut in line shape, I have my egg mixture above,
I have some sesame ( because I like to put some inside my sushis ) my rice ( already cooked and cooled down ) my seaweed sheet in the middle and some water ( for rolling ) !!

Ok so now you need to put some rice on the sheet, 
I use a fork because the rice is sticky and I find it more easy that way
I put rice only on half the sheet, it's easier to roll and gives you smaller sushis
Here's the example:

You might find it hard at first or even break your sheet but be patient! you'll get there!
Then you just have to put your stuff on it;

It might look like a lot, but actually when you roll it it's not that much!
If you find that the result is too big you just have to put less stuff in it that's all!

Then you roll and when you arrive at the space where there's no rice poor a little water on the sheet from left to right so when you finish rolling it will stick together.
If you don't put water your sheet won't stick!

And just repeat until you don't have any rice left!
and you have your sushis!!

Thanks for watching!


Yesterday I made some chicken, this recipe doesn't really have a specific name
I just created it with whatever I had!

So for this chicken recipe you will need;
2 pieces of chicken ( for 2 people )
1\2 package of standard white mushrooms
1 carrot
1 bell pepper ( the color doesn't matter )
some garlic ( at your taste )
some onions ( at your taste )
3 green onions
a chunk of ginger ( again at your taste )
and some sunflower oil

Start by cutting your vegetables; mushrooms, bell pepper, carrot, onions, green onions, the garlic and the ginger.
I cut them in little pieces, even the garlic and the ginger ( you can rape or crush them if you like )
leave them

Then take your pieces of chicken, wash them a little by running some fresh water on them,
make little holes in them with a knife and insert some pieces of garlic

Take your pan or your cauldron or whatever you will be using to cook, poor around 3 tablespoons of sunflower oil in it with the heat at 6 and wait for the oil to become hot
(if you find 3 tblspoon is too much you can put less the point here is just for the chicken not to stick to the pan )
gently put the pieces of chicken in the pan
I put some spice on them ( pepper, salt, thyme and some basil )
leave the chicken 5 minutes in the pan with the heat still at 6 and no cover
then put in the onions
cover it
set the timer for 10 minutes and come each 5 minutes to turn the chicken and mix the onions
when you see the onions starting to get tender put all the rest of the ingredients in, except for the green onions
( mushrooms, bell pepper, ginger, carrot and garlic if you have some left )
put down the heat to 4
cover it
set the timer for 25 minutes and come to stir the vegetable and turn the chicken every 5 minutes.

You will see some water in the pan that's fine, but you don't want to much
just enough so your chicken can cook and fry a little
so if you find you have to much water just open the lid a little bit and it will take care of it!

after the 25 minutes ( if your chicken is still not cook properly leave it a little longer )
put in the green onions
cover it back
leave it again for 5 to 10 minutes with the heat still at 4 ( you can adjust the time depending on how you like your chicken cook )

Then make yourself some rice, potatoes or couscous and that's it!


Thanks for watching!

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