
So this page will contain the specifications for the recipes.
Each time you will see *** beside a ingredient or a note feel free to come here and check out the meaning!
You might have to scroll down a bit but every** will be here!


All right, each time you want to make sushis or Onigiri you will need to use sushis rice!
Why? because it is a ''sticky'' rice. When you put it on your seaweed sheet or when you make little balls filled with whatever you will need you rice to stick or together or on the sheets!
Technically you can find sushis rice in every grocery store where they sale ''already made'' sushis.
Just make sure that on the package you see ''sushis rice''!
for me I always use this kind :

I buy it in a special oriental store because it's cheap! only 8.50$ for the hole bag!
But as I said I think it's quite easy to find some.

How to cook Sushis Rice;

Well it's very easy!
you can follow the instructions on the package and see what will be the result.
Me, I change it a bit I found that if you put 1 cup and a half of water for one cup of rice it's the best!
But again, if you like it more moist or more dry you can adjust the quantity of water you use.
Just remember that with conventional rice you have to drain the water at the end when it's cook.
With this kind it's different because the rice is sticky it will absorb the water, all the water!
That's why you need to watch how much you put!
It took me a few times to have my perfect rice, maybe you will need a few times too but that's all right once you get the hang of it, you will be able to do it with your eyes closed!

ok so how I do it, for 5 roll of sushis, I use;
3\4 of a cup of rice and 1 and half of half a cup of water ( so 1 cup and a 1\4 cup )
I put the water in a cauldron big enough for the quantity
I take it to boil, having my heat at max
Once it's boiling I put in the rice, leave the heat to max
put the timer for 3 minutes and stir
once the 3 minutes are over I put the heat between minimum and 1( so 0.5 ) and cover it
set the timer for 8 minutes
After the 8 minutes I stir cover it back ( make sure you stir properly )
wait another 8 minutes
Stir cover it back wait for another 5 minutes
and it's done!!

Once the rice is done, put it in a bowl ( I use aluminum because it cool the rice faster )
Put, well you will have to taste it for sure, I put 1 tablespoon maybe two of rice vinegar in the rice
mix it very well so the vinegar goes everywhere
taste it to make sure you don't need more!
You can even put a little bit of lime juice in it if you want
once you make sure that it's mix well you have your sushis rice!
You can put it in the fridge a bit for it to cool down
or just leave it on the counter with plastic foil on it
just make sure it has cool a bit before using it.


For the sheet you can find some quite easy too!
Just make sure the only ingredient is seaweed!
For me I use this kind for now;

But I change all the time so as long as it is roasted seaweed it's fine!
And I even found a store were they sell package of 50 sheet for like 10$ so it's quite affordable!

Just a fact;
You can use seaweed everywhere not just for the sushis! and it's very good for you it has a lot of iron and plenty of other nutriments!


Tofu is very easy to find too!
Just make sure when you buy it to check the expiry date!
From the moment you buy it until you use it you have to keep it in the fridge
and when you open it up it should smell like fresh soy, if not try another brand because it's important!

I always use this brand:

It's cheap and very good!
I use the plain one with no flavor added because when you cook it it takes the flavor of whatever you cook
and i like the firm because it's easier with the recipe I have.
But feel free to try different kind and tell me how they are!!


This is the mirin I use

Technically it's just some rice vinegar with special spices in it!
It doesn't matter what brand you use, as long as it is Mirin it's fine!

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